Below is the schedule for the week, and it's a big one! Please encourage your friends & family to support the SRMB by attending our home competition this Saturday evening. Tickets are $12 for adults, $8 for students, and the show begins with a performance of the national anthem at 5pm. A full lineup of the bands who are attending our show as well as their performance times can be found here.
Tuesday 9/20 (Rehearsal)
5:15p - Doors Open
6-9p - Rehearsal
Thursday 9/22 (Rehearsal in stadium)
5:15p - Doors Open (no personal gear left in M-4)
6-9p - Rehearsal
Friday 9/23 (Away Football Game @ Middletown North)
Members will need:
Uniforms & black uniform shirt
$$$ for dinner on the road
$$$ for concessions during the game (optional)
3:00-3:45p - Rehearsal
3:45p-4:00p - Load buses
4:00p - Depart SRHS, stop for food on the way
6:10p - Arrive
6:10-6:30p - unload, put on uniforms, march to the stadium
6:40p - Seated in away bleachers
9:30p (approx.) - Game ends, change, load buses
9:45p (approx.) - Depart for SRHS
10:40p (approx.) - Return to SRHS, unload, all members are dismissed
Saturday 9/24 (TOB @ SRHS - HOME SHOW)
Members will need:
Uniforms & black uniform shirt
A snack after rehearsal
$$$ for dinner at the show
11a - Doors Open
12-3p - Rehearsal in stadium
3-3:30p - Clear stadium of personal gear & equipment
5p - Show begins. SRMB seated in stands to support other groups. Grab dinner at concession stand.
6:40p - report to M-4, change into uniform
7:15p - Warm-up Begins
8:25p - Gate
8:40p - Performance
9:15p - Scores announced
10:00p (approx.) - Band room cleared, all members dismissed