Hello All,
A huge thank you goes out to all the parent volunteers and supporters during last week's show at Egg Harbor Township. We are looking forward to our first halftime performance this week along with a rehearsal day on Saturday which will allow us to continue to get our 2022 program out onto the field.
Just a reminder that tickets for Friday's game can be purchased in advance by using this link.
The schedule for the week is below. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Tuesday 9/13 (Rehearsal)
4:30p - Senior pictures begin in room 103
5:15p - Doors Open
6-9p - Rehearsal
Thursday 9/15 (Rehearsal)
5:15p - Doors Open
6-9p - Rehearsal
Friday 9/16 (Home FB Game Vs Long Branch)
Members will need:
Uniforms & black uniform shirt
$$$ for concessions during the game (optional)
3:00-5:15p - Rehearsal
5:15p-6:20p - Dinner, change into uniforms
6:20p - Dressed in M-4 ready to line up
6:25p - Line up outside M-4 to march to stadium
6:35p - Seated in stands
7:00p - Game begins
7:45p (approx.) - Halftime performance
9:15p (approx.) - Game ends
9:30p (approx.) - All members are dismissed
Saturday 9/17 (Rehearsal in stadium)
8:15a - Doors Open
9a-1p - Rehearsal